Tuesday 30 April 2013

BPM off line deployments

Courtesy of my colleague Jeff Tan of IBM

Define an offline server
On the Process Center...  Servers > Add a New Offline Server

Create Deployment Package
This effectively deploys the process app snapshot to the offline server defined in the step above. This generates a package in the Process Center database which can be extracted later.
  1. Login to the Process Center, navigate to the snapshot you wish to perform an offline deployment for.
  2. Click Install, and select the offline server you created earlier.
  3. Click Create installation packageAt this point, the Process Center has built the package for deployment. Now we need to extract it via wsadmin.

Extract Deployment Package
  1. Login to a node hosting an AppTarget server of the Process Center.
    cd to the <profile path>/bin directory hosting the AppTarget server, e.g. /opt/bpm/profiles/profile1/bin 
  2. Run ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -username admin -password ***** -host <node hostname> -port <node SOAP port>.  (NOTE:  the node port is the SOAP port for the AppTarget server, NOT the deployment manager)
  3. AdminTask.BPMExtractOfflinePackage('[-containerAcronym <process app acronym> -containerSnapshotAcronym <snapshot acronym> -containerTrackAcronym <track acronym - default 'Main'> -serverName <offline server name> -outputFile <path to output offline deployment package zip>]')
  • process app acronym  is the acronym of the process application, e.g. BCSBX
  • snapshot acronym  is the snapshot acronym, e.g (you can find this in the LSW_SNAPSHOT table)
  • track acronym  is the name of the track within the snapshot (The default is Main but if it's different you can find the acronym in the LSW_BRANCH table)
  • offline server name  is the name of the offline server created earlier. (This really is the name, there is no acronym so it you're contains whitespace you'll need to use quotes)
  • path to output offline deployment package zip  is the full path to a zip file which will be the generated offline deployment package.(NOTE, if you don't put a dot in the filename you'll get a "Array out of bounds error" ... how rubbish is that?)

For example
clarkeb@jupiter > ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -username admin -password ***** -host jupiter -port 13205

wsadmin>AdminTask.BPMExtractOfflinePackage('[-containerAcronym BCSBX -containerSnapshotAcronym -containerTrackAcronym Main -serverName "Offline DEV" -outputFile /opt/bpm/dbp1.1.0.6.zip]')

Install Deployment Package
  1. Login to a node hosting an AppTarget server of the Process Server you want to perform the offline deployment.
  2. Ensure that the previously extracted offline deployment package has been copied over to this node via scp or other means.
  3. cd to the <profile path>/bin directory hosting the AppTarget server, e.g. /opt/bpm/bpm751/profiles/psuat001/bin
  4. Run ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -username admin -password ***** -host <node hostname> -port <node SOAP port>.  (NOTE  the node port is the SOAP port for the AppTarget server, NOT the deployment manager)
  5. AdminTask.BPMInstallOfflinePackage('-inputFile <path to input offline deployment package zip>')


  1. A business process is a series of activities or tasks that produce a specific outcome. For instance, the process of filling a customer order involves several related tasks. In many companies, business processes are informal and undefined. This often creates inefficiencies and bottlenecks when there is confusion as to employee responsibilities and company procedures.

  2. Interfacing’s award-winning Business Process Management (BPM) suite, the Enterprise Process Center® (EPC), helps companies streamline operations, increase productivity, enforce governance, and ensure compliance. Much more than just process modeling, the EPC allows firms to manage, automate, and monitor business activities and controls.
