If you have access to an SMTP service this script will send an email when a cert is due to expire in less than X days. I run this from a bourne wrapper (I'll place the code for this at the end of this post) which also sends an email if it can't run the AdminTask methods it needs to for any reason.
Here's the Jython code
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # checkCertificates.py # Author: Bob Clarke (IBM) # Date: 19/06/2013 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import re import sys import time import os import javaos from java.text import SimpleDateFormat ; dateFormat = SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy"); emailRecipients = "bob.clarke@stack1.com" emailContent = "props/email.content" smtpUrl = "smtp=smtp://smtphub.stack1.com" # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define Subroutines # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dateDiff(keystoreName, issuedTo, expString, scopeName): todayString = time.strftime("%d-%b-%Y", time.gmtime()) todayDate = dateFormat.parse(todayString) expiryDate = dateFormat.parse(expString) e = expiryDate.getTime() t = todayDate.getTime() d = e - t days = d / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) print "\tExpires "+expString if(days < 31): if(re.search("blueworks", issuedTo)): print "\tIgnoring BlueworksLive cert" else: print "\tALERT - this certificate will expire in "+str(days)+" days" file = open('props/email.content','w') file.write('ACTION REQUIRED : The following certificate will expire in '+str(days)+' days\n\n') file.write('- Environment '+env+'\n\n') file.write('- Expiry Date '+expString+'\n\n') file.write('- '+str(issuedTo)+'\n\n') file.write('- Keystore name '+str(keystoreName)+'\n\n') file.write('- Keystore scope '+str(scopeName)+'\n') file.close() sendEmail() def sendEmail(): os.system('cat '+emailContent+' | mailx -v -s "Certificate expiry notice for '+env+'" -S '+smtpUrl+' -S from="smtp@stack1.com" '+emailRecipients+' >> logs/smtp.log 2>&1') # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- env = sys.argv[0] print print 'Obtaining keystore information for '+env # Iterate through all keystores, print each cert with expiry dates and ask user if they want to replace for ks in AdminTask.listKeyStores('[-all true -keyStoreUsage SSLKeys ]').splitlines(): keystoreName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(ks, 'name') ms = AdminConfig.showAttribute(ks, 'managementScope') scopeName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(ms, 'scopeName') print '\n## START '+keystoreName +' in scope '+scopeName+'##' print '\n\t## START personal certificates ##' personalCertsFound=0 for cert in AdminTask.listPersonalCertificates('[-keyStoreName '+keystoreName+' -keyStoreScope '+scopeName+']').splitlines(): personalCertsFound=1 issuedTo="" for property in re.split("\] \[", cert): if(re.search("\[\[", property)): tmp = property property = re.split("\[\[",tmp)[1] if(re.search("] ]", property)): tmp = property property = re.split("] ]",tmp)[0] if(re.search("alias", property)): alias = re.split("\s+", property)[1] print "\n\t"+property if(re.search("issuedTo", property)): issuedTo=property print "\t"+property if(re.search("issuedBy", property)): print "\t"+property if(re.search("validity", property)): expString = property.split()[5].split('.]')[0] #dateDiff(expString) dateDiff(keystoreName, issuedTo, expString, scopeName) if(personalCertsFound==0): print '\tNo personal certificates found in '+keystoreName+' in scope '+scopeName print '\n\t## END personal certificates ##' print '\n\t## START signer certificates ##' signerCertsFound=0 for cert in AdminTask.listSignerCertificates('[-keyStoreName '+keystoreName+' -keyStoreScope '+scopeName+']').splitlines(): signerCertsFound=1 issuedTo="" for property in re.split("\] \[", cert): if(re.search("\[\[", property)): tmp = property property = re.split("\[\[",tmp)[1] if(re.search("] ]", property)): tmp = property property = re.split("] ]",tmp)[0] if(re.search("alias", property)): alias = re.split("\s+", property)[1] print "\n\t"+property if(re.search("issuedTo", property)): issuedTo=property print "\t"+property if(re.search("issuedBy", property)): print "\t"+property if(re.search("validity", property)): expString = property.split()[5].split('.]')[0] #dateDiff(expString) dateDiff(keystoreName, issuedTo, expString, scopeName) if(signerCertsFound==0): print '\tNo signer certificates found in '+keystoreName+' in scope '+scopeName print '\n\t## END signer certificates ##' print '\n## END '+keystoreName +' in scope '+scopeName+'##'
And here's the wrapper script to run it. NOTE: This uses a cutdown version of wadmin.sh (which I've renamed to wsAdminLite.sh - see this post) which I will describe in an upcoming post. They key advantage of this for me is that I was able to point the wsadmin client at my own keystore in which I'd loaded the cell signers for each environment rather than loading all of these (untidily) into the Cell default trust store of another WAS environment.
You'll notice that this script writes a new soap.client.props for each environment, in this way you can XOR encode each password (better than plain text).
#!/bin/sh # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # run.sh # Author: Bob Clarke (IBM) # Date: 01/07/2013 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- wsaCmd="./wsAdminLite.sh -lang jython" envProps="props/env.props" soapProps="props/soap.client.props" run_log="logs/run.log" emailRecipients="bob.clarke@stack1.com" pwd=`pwd` timestamp=`date "+%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S"` scripthost=`hostname` cat $envProps | grep -v '^#' | while read line do # Parse props env=`echo $line | awk -F: '{print $1}'` host=`echo $line | awk -F: '{print $2}'` port=`echo $line | awk -F: '{print $3}'` user=`echo $line | awk -F: '{print $4}'` pw=`echo $line | awk -F: '{print $5}'` # Write soap.client.props echo "com.ibm.SOAP.loginUserid=admin" > ${soapProps} echo "com.ibm.SOAP.loginPassword={xor}"${pw} >> ${soapProps} echo "com.ibm.ssl.alias=DefaultSSLSettings" >> ${soapProps} echo >> $run_log echo ENV is $env >> $run_log echo Timestamp is $timestamp >> $run_log echo "Running: $wsaCmd -host $host -port $port -f checkCertificates.py $env using $soapProps" >> $run_log out=`$wsaCmd -host $host -port $port -f checkCertificates.py $env` echo "Command output is: $out" >> $run_log # Check if we successfully connected to the deployment manager and obtained cert details echo $out | grep "END signer certificates" 2>&1 > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo echo "It seems the attempt to run checkCertificates.py on environment (${env}) has failed" echo "Invocation of checkCertificates.py on host (${scripthost}) to check certificates on environment (${env}) has failed, please check ${pwd}/${run_log}" | mailx -v -s "ACTION REQUIRED :Certificate check for $env has failed" -S smtp=smtp://smtphub.stack1.com -S from="smtp@stack1.com" $emailRecipients >> logs/smtp.log 2>&1 echo fi done
.... and here's an example env.props file
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # NOTE: The first column is a simple flag that is passed # to wsadmin so that it can print out a meaningful # string to describe the environment being checked # It's up to the person who edits this file to ensure it's accurate #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # PNL_PERF002:jupiter.stack1.com:11005:admin:gfe8Shm1sPSjy PNL_DEV001:pluto.stack1.com:8887:admin:HQ8SbhdsS8y PNL_PROC_CENTRE:saturn.stack1.com::12005:admin:Lhjhju98zxubW== PNL_SIT001:mars.stack1.com::8879:admin:HQ8Sjkj654kjk== PNL_PERF001:venus.stack1.com::11005:admin:t65hhjtPS8y=
I made few corrections on python script to make it works on WAS 8.x tagged by "#JP"