Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Stopping and starting WAS application modules separately via wsadmin

Allow starting and stopping an individual Web or EJB modules using an undocumented call to the ApplicationManager object.

Get a reference to the relevant ApplicationManager object in the usual way:
appManager = AdminControl.queryNames

List the operations available for the appManager object...
print Help.operations(appManager)

This results in the following output …
void startApplication(java.lang.String)  
java.lang.Boolean _canStopApplication(java.lang.String) 
void stopApplication(java.lang.String) 
void _startModule(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) 
void _stopModule(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) 
void _applicationInstalled(java.lang.String) 
void _applicationUninstalled(java.lang.String)

The two methods we're interested in are  _startModule and _stopModule, both of which take two arguments of type String.

True to form the IBM documentation was awful.
print Help.operations(appManager, '_startModule')

Provides the following following output:
void _startModule(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
Description: Start Application Module - This method is intended for WebSphere internal use only.  Its function is undocumented and is subject to change at any time.

Type  java.lang.String
Name  applicationName
Description  Application Name

Type  java.lang.String
Name  moduleURI
Description  Module Name 

It took me a while to work out how to format the arguments, here's the correct form:
AdminControl.invoke(<reference to app manager>, '<action>', '<app name> <module name>')

For example:
AdminControl.invoke(appManager,  '_startModule',  'MyApp  MyWebModule' )

As you can see, there are three arguments as follows:
- The reference to the ApplicationManager object
- The action
- A string which is the application name concatenated with the module name (separated by a space)

So, a nice easy way to do this would be:
appManager = AdminControl.queryNames('type=ApplicationManager,process=server1,node=node1,*')
appName = 'MyApp'
moduleName = 'MyWebModule'
args = appName + '  ' + moduleName
adminControl.invoke(appManager,  '_startModule',  args )

I also found out that if you're using a later wsadmin client (e.g. the one that ships with WAS 8.5 and above) that the third argument can be an array:
AdminControl.invoke(appManager,  '_startModule' ,  ['MyApp' , 'MyWebModule'] )

Here's an example of how I used this in the real world when I needed to start a WebModule after hot deploying it. 

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